Monday , 13 May 2024

SNOW aims to improve responsive design

The goal of responsive web design is to seamlessly adapt the look and UX of a website to different platforms. The technique is still very young and in many areas outstrips the available technology.

Trilibis has announced the launch of SNOW — Software eNabling One Web — that aims to improve our ability to deliver responsive design by making websites truly device-aware, and by addressing the problems that have slowed its adoption:

Responsive sites are slow
A recent Akamai study of 347 responsive websites, found that 86% had the same data load regardless of their destination screen. This means that both a desktop computer and a bandwidth-limited iPhone are processing the same amount of data.

Converting to Responsive Design usually means a complete website rebuild
Often, both layout and architecture must be completely rethought to support fluid content.

“Responsiveness” refers only to screen width, and no other parameters
You can’t use RWD to target content by device or browser type, or otherwise optimize the experience for specific mobile use-cases.

Inconsistent browser support
Not all devices and browsers support Responsive Design the same way. More than ever, users pop from platform to platform while exploring a purchase decision: keeping responsive sites consistent remains a chore.

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